Below are the Terms of service you accept by making payments to Website Design Belfast a.k.a Belfast NI.
They are designed to ensure a smooth relationship between yourselves and ourselves.
- You can cancel at anytime after the initial 12 months from the 1st monthly payment by letting us know via email. If you cancel within the first 12 months of the first payment made to ourselves and want to transfer the domain name away then the remaining balance to take your website up until the 12 month mark must be paid off. There may also be a charge for the time and work involved in transferring the domain to the new host plus any other cost incurred to ourselves through transferring the domain name.
- If you want to transfer the entire website away during the first 12 months then the remaining hosting & SEO balance to take your website up until the 12 month mark must be paid off. There may also be a charge for the time and work involved in transferring the domain, Website & Database to the new host plus any other cost incurred to ourselves through transferring the domain name. .
- Cancelling payment to ourselves without prior warning immediately terminates the service we offer you and we are no longer responsible for marketing the website or keeping it hosted and may result in the site being deleted.
- Belfast NI reserve the right to decide who we partner with on our website services.
- Cancelling our services within the first 12 months after work has begun on the website means that a refund can not be given as we will already have started to incur costs from our own suppliers.
- Cancelling the website service without prior warning and after several attempts to contact you without reply may involve us finding a new buyer for your website and domain name in a bid to recover our lost revenues.